The chosen topic couldn't be timelier. Forty years after the publication of Pope Paul VI's Populorum Progressio, and following in the footsteps of his predecessor John Paul II (who marked its twenthieth anniversary with his own Sollicitudo Rei Socialis), Benedict conveys his desire to
"pay tribute and to honour the memory of the great Pope Paul VI, revisiting his teachings on integral human development and taking my place within the path that they marked out, so as to apply them to the present moment."It is Benedict's conviction that Populorum Progressio deserves to be considered “the Rerum Novarum of the present age”, shedding light upon humanity's journey towards unity."
Benedict's reflection is a lengthy and substantial one -- 30,468 words: an introduction, six chapters, conclusion, and 159 footnotes, to be precise.

Caritas in Veritate online
- From the Vatican Information Service, a chapter-by-chapter summary of the encyclical
- Full text of Caritas in Veritate from the Vatican's website
- From Thomas Peters @ American Papist, a downloadable MS Word doc.
- ePub format. For use with Stanza on iPod Touch/iPhone and many other eBook readers and Amazon Kindle format -- courtesy of the Curt Jester.
- Ignatius Press, the primary English-language publisher of the works of Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger), makes use of the occasion to announce its expansion into electronic and audio formats, beginning of course with the encyclical.

At the request of Joseph Bottum, I have been asked to do a roundup of news, coverage and commentary to the Pope's encyclical Caritas et Veritate for the periodical First Things.
I will be posting my compilations there for at least the next week. (In that time, I will also be working on a new entry for the encyclical to be posted to our Benedict XVI Fan Club as well).
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