Sunday, August 02, 2009

Pope Benedict Roundup!

The big news, of course, is the release of Pope Benedict XVI's new social encyclical, Caritas in Veritate.
  • From the Vatican Information Service, a chapter-by-chapter summary of the encyclical
  • Full text of Caritas in Veritate from the Vatican's website
  • Caritas in Veritate in book form, from Ignatius Press -- available in August.
  • And from the Holy Father himself -- a brief consideration of Caritas in Veritate from his 7/8/09 audience:
    Some forty years after Pope Paul VI’s Encyclical Populorum Progressio, it too addresses social themes vital to the well-being of humanity and reminds us that authentic renewal of both individuals and society requires living by Christ’s truth in love (cf. Eph 4:15) which stands at the heart of the Church’s social teaching. The Encyclical does not aim to provide technical solutions to today’s social problems but instead focuses on the principles indispensable for human development. Most important among these is human life itself, the centre of all true progress. Additionally, it speaks of the right to religious freedom as a part of human development, it warns against unbounded hope in technology alone, and it underlines the need for upright men and women – attentive to the common good – in both politics and the business world. In regard to matters of particular urgency affecting the word today, the Encyclical addresses a wide range of issues and calls for decisive action to promote food security and agricultural development, as well as respect for the environment and for the rule of law. Stressed is the need for politicians, economists, producers and consumers alike to ensure that ethics shape economics so that profit alone does not regulate the world of business. Dear friends: humanity is a single family where every development programme – if it is to be integral – must consider the spiritual growth of human persons and the driving force of charity in truth. Let us pray for all those who serve in politics and the management of economies, and in particular let us pray for the Heads of State gathering in Italy for the G8 summit. May their decisions promote true development especially for the world’s poor. Thank you.
  • Also from the Pope: "On the Economic Crisis and Cultural Values" - a translation of the public address Benedict XVI gave today before praying the midday Angelus in Romano Canavese, close to Les Combes in the Aosta Valley of northern Italy (HT: Zenit).

In other news ...

Pope Benedict XVI (L) shaking hands with the medical team of Aosta's Umberto Parini hospital who took care of him on July 17, 2009. Credit: Getty Images

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