Friday, February 15, 2013

Benedict's final commitments

  • Sunday 17 February At 18:00 the Pope will inaugurate the start of the Lenten Spiritual Exercises.
  • Saturday 23 February End of Spiritual Exercises. The Pope is likely to give a speech.
  • Saturday 23 Fenruary Private Audience with the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano.
  • Sunday 24 February Angelus.
  • Monday 25 February Private Audience with some cardinals.
  • Wednesday 27 February General Audience in St. Peter’s Square.
  • Thursday 28 February At 11:00 cardinals will greet the Pope in the Clementine Hall in the Vatican. In the afternoon, at about 17:00, Benedict XVI will fly to Castel Gandolfo by helicopter. The sede vacante period will begin at 20:00.

SOURCE: "The Vatican Insider" La Stampa