- "Like the disciples of Emmaus" English translation of the greeting by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Dean of the College of Cardinals, addressed to Benedict XVI in the Clementine Hall on the afternoon of his departure. (L'Osservatore Romano 2/28/13)
- The Church is reawakened in souls Pope Benedict's farewell address to the College of Cardinals. (L'Osservatore Romano 2/28/13):
“The Church reawakens in souls”. The Church is alive, she grows and is reawakened in souls who – like the Virgin Mary – welcome the Word of God and conceive it through the action of the Holy Spirit; they offer to God their own flesh. It is precisely in their poverty and humility that they become capable of begetting Christ in the world today. Through the Church, the Mystery of the Incarnation lives on for ever. Christ continues to walk through the epochs and in all places.
Let us stay united, dear Brothers, in this Mystery: in prayer, especially in the daily Eucharist, and in this way we shall serve the Church and the whole of humanity. This is our joy that no one can take from us.
- Benedict pledges obedience to his successor (Vatican Radio 2/28/13):
"“Among you, among the College of Cardinals, there is also the future Pope, to whom, here today, I already promise my unconditional reverence and obedience.”
- Benedict XVI: The end of a long goodbye (Vatican Radio 2/28/13):
o) "Thank you, thank you from my heart. I am happy to be here with you, surrounded by the beauty of Creation and your friendship that does me so much good, thank you for your friendship, for caring.
You know that today is different from others… as of eight pm I will no longer be the Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church. I will simply be a pilgrim who is beginning the last part of his pilgrimage on earth. But with my heart, my love, my prayer, with all my inner strength, I will work for the common good and the good of the Church and all humanity.
And I feel greatly supported by your affection. Let us move forward together with the Lord for the good of the Church and the world.
I will now impart upon you all my Apostolic Blessing
Thank you and good night. Thank you all"

Benedict XVI retires into a secluded life of prayer and meditation,
at first remaining in Castel Gandolfo before retiring to a monastery in the Vatican gardens.