- Benedict contra Benevacantism, by Edward Fester. 08/05/22:
I’ve been reading the second volume of Peter Seewald’s Benedict XVI: A Life. There is much of interest in it, including a new interview with Benedict at the very end. Some of what he says is relevant to the controversy over Benevacantism (also called “Beneplenism” and the “Benedict is pope (BiP)” thesis), which holds that Benedict never validly resigned and that Francis is an antipope. I’ve addressed this topic a couple of times before and the debate is, in my view, essentially played out. But since a small but significant number of Catholics remain attracted to this foolish thesis, it seems worthwhile calling attention to how Benedict’s remarks throw further cold water on it.
- 5 Things to Know About Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI on His 95th Birthday National Catholic Register 04/16/22. The last time Benedict's birthday fell on Holy Saturday was 1960.
- Benedict XVI Was ‘A Prophet’ of Church’s Future, Pope Francis Tells Malta’s Jesuits National Catholic Register 04/14/22:
Speaking during a private meeting with Jesuit priests and seminarians earlier this month, the Pope said he believed that this was one of the pope emeritus’ most "profound intuitions."
"Pope Benedict was a prophet of this Church of the future, a Church that will become smaller, lose many privileges, be more humble and authentic and find energy for the essential," Pope Francis said during the meeting with Jesuits at the apostolic nunciature in Malta on April 3.
"It will be a Church that is more spiritual, poorer, and less political: a Church of the little ones."
- Pope Benedict XVI and the ‘German Question’, by Father Raymond J. de Souza. National Catholic Register 04/13/22. "A conflagration may very well engulf the Church within the next year, and there is no fire extinguisher now that Benedict XVI is in retirement."
- Who Is Benedict XVI? Cardinal Filoni Shares His Testimony, by Cardinal Fernando Filoni. National Catholic Register 01/28/22. "I can testify first of all to his profound and very high moral and intellectual honesty."
- Vatican defends Benedict after report faults abuse record, by Nicole Winfield. Crux 01/26/22. The Vatican on Wednesday strongly defended Pope Benedict XVI’s record in fighting clergy sexual abuse and cautioned against looking for “easy scapegoats and summary judgments,” after an independent report faulted his handling of four cases of abuse when he was archbishop of Munich, Germany.
- Joseph Ratzinger: A Man Sent From God, by R. Jared Staudt. The Imaginative Conservative 01/01/22:
Ratzinger provides us with a model of faithful service to the Lord and His Church. He never thought himself worthy of his ministry, but saw himself as a “a simple and humble labourer in the vineyard of the Lord.” He wanted to retire even before his papacy began, but he served to the full extent of his strength. Like a good steward, entrusted with the truth and the Church’s worship, he will be prepared to enter his reward.
Knowing its true quality, we can have confidence that his legacy will not be dismantled. Despite any actions to limit it or roll it back, it will continue to shine and illumine the Church when the names of his critics will be long forgotten. Ratzinger did not work to create a legacy for himself, but to point us to the Lord. In this service, he follows in the footsteps of John the Baptist, as a man sent from God to give testimony, bear witness, and inspire faith. Time will prove the enduring worth of his work as theologian, pastor, and liturgical prophet.
Friday, December 23, 2022
The Pope Benedict Roundup
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